On a cold and wet winter's day of 2021, where swiping left and right dictated destiny, a magical connection sparked on Bumble. Our tale begins with Mitch, a charming hero with a touch of mischief, and Lucy, a witty maiden with a sharp eye for a good spreadsheet.
After a flurry of playful messages, they agreed to meet at the fabled Café 9. Little did the witty maiden know, Mitch had a secret in store for her. As he was entering the café with all the grace of a gallant knight—he walked straight into a chair.
From her table, Lucy looked up, her brow furrowed. “Is this my prince charming... or is he already tipsy?” she wondered.
Quick on his feet (metaphorically speaking), Mitch flashed his signature grin and declared, “oh, by the way, I’m legally blind.”
Lucy blinked, then laughed, replying, “well, I’m just glad you’re not drunk!” whilst secretly pondering "what have I gotten myself into? Stay calm, I really want to meet his dog Blaze!"
And thus, the ice was shattered, the awkward spell was lifted, and their tale truly began.
Fast forward to February 2024. While attending a grand wedding where Lucy was a bridesmaid, Mitch, ever the cunning strategist, seized a rare moment alone with Bruce, Lucy’s noble father. He asked for Bruce’s blessing to marry his daughter.
The next day, Bruce ever so subtly (NOT) set out to discuss important matters with Mitch, unaware that Lucy was only a few meters away and the doors between them were wide open! The secrecy was almost blown, nevertheless a plan was put in place and executed perfectly..."wait four more months and then the anniversary dates will become one and I won't forget!" thought Mitch. This also had the added bonus of buying him more time to figure out how the hell he was going to pull off the perfect proposal without acting suspicious. Taking Ollie for a walk was the perfect cover in the end!
When the moment came, Mitch popped the question, and Lucy, first questioning the 'seriousness' of the event unfolding, much to everyone’s delight (but no one’s surprise) said yes.
And so, they eagerly prepare to embark on the next chapter of their epic love story - their wedding, hand in hand, surrounded by the cherished characters of their lives.